
April 2014

Selection Sheets — Make Them Interactive!

Selection Sheets — Make Them Interactive!
One of your customers just made one simple change… How much time is spent: Processing and track the change order? Updating the office file? Updating the budget? Updating the field file? Updating the contractor/vendor? Example: The site superintendent knows Mrs. Jones, the customer job ABC-123, had mentioned  she might add hardwood floors in the family room.  He/she checks the field file and doesn’t see a change order. How much time is spent: By the supervisor double checking with the office? Revising...

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Think Outside the Box, then Check Off Your To-Do List!

Think Outside the Box, then Check Off Your To-Do List!
 So what is the “box” anyway? I’ve heard the “box” described like this: Think of a single dot as a bit of information in the brain’s knowledge base. When a problem is encountered, the brain recalls these bits of information and starts connecting dots, it uses these connections between the multiple bits of information retained in its knowledge base to solve the problem. After solving the same problem a number of times, the connections become automatic. So, when faced with the same problem again, the...

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