Of Interest…

Think Outside the Box, then Check Off Your To-Do List!


 So what is the “box” anyway?

box dotsI’ve heard the “box” described like this: Think of a single dot as a bit of information in the brain’s knowledge base. When a problem is encountered, the brain recalls these bits of information and starts connecting dots, it uses these connections between the multiple bits of information retained in its knowledge base to solve the problem. After solving the same problem a number of times, the connections become automatic. So, when faced with the same problem again, the mind, with no conscious effort, comes up with the same old solution.

The “box” is the series of connections that brain makes to solve a problem it has encountered before.

In general, thinking outside the box means making a conscious effort to consider alternatives to everyday problems and processes. We need to consider sources and resources I might not otherwise think might be part of the solution. We also need to be aware that different isn’t always better, so evaluate all possible solutions in order to come up with the best solution for the situation. Sometimes, combining elements of different scenarios provides the best solution.

Your to-do list

You have a list of things you know will improve your bottom line if you execute them. Usually one of two reasons prevents managers from getting these items done and checking those things off:

  • Not enough time
  • Not quite sure how to get started

It is very possible that I can provide the counter for those reasons. I have provided on this site, dozens of solutions for different situations. Even if the solutions I have presented here do not align with the specific problems and issues you are dealing with today, doesn’t it make sense to add someone to your team that routinely connects the dots in ways that produce positive results?

“The timing isn’t right?” you say. Or, you don’t think you can afford someone with so much experience? Remember you get innovative thinking AND a proven organizer with field tested construction manager! Don’t take my word for it, read what people who have worked with me have to say. Testimonials

For Rent – Get the Benefits

Unable to make the long-term hiring commitment right now? Consider “renting” me to tailor one or more of the solutions here to meet your current needs. Got a project you’ve been putting off? What is on your to-do list of things you’d like to improve? Not enough time or having a hard time getting started? Consider; by the job, by the week or by the month. Innovative!

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